Hill Academy’s Godwin Boahen is tough, he is under the radar, and he exudes an attitude that bleeds through the team.
It was in last season’s Phenom National Showcase that Boahen first broke out. At that event he carried his St Louis Christian team to two victories, and in both he was hard to keep out of the lane and defended for 94 feet.
Over the summer, Boahen played on the Under Armour Circuit with Canada Elite. Naturally, that team made it to the final game. During the 18 circuit games, Boahen averaged 10.5 points and 2.5 assists. He led his program to a 12-6 overall record, playing against some of the best players from across the United States.
This year, Boahen opted to go back home to Toronto, Ontario to play out his senior year. He again participated in the Phenom National Showcase, however this time with Hill Academy. He carries offers from Niagara and Eastern Kentucky.
Boahen is a sturdy lead guard. In his two games at the Phenom National Showcase he averaged over 20 points per game. He attacked the lane, and had the balance to take contact and finish. Boahen shot the ball well from beyond the arc and the free throw line, and he showed adequate vision, getting his team mates involved.
Notably, Boahen also sports a high GPA. His academics are high enough that Ivy School can (and are) mess with him.
Boahen will help a D1 program, schools need to get up to Toronto to watch him. Point guards lead, Boahen is a leader. Schools will come away impressed.