North Carolina is known as the hoop state, that is because every year there are numerous high-level players who continuous come home grown from the state. Every year, there is no platform better than the North Carolina Top 80 to showcase the top talent the hoop state has to offer.

The new crop of freshman is just as good as any. Many of them made their names on putting up big numbers on varsity this season. Look for numerous names in the freshman class to become household names sooner rather than later. There is so much talent…

Here is a listing of some of the Freshman Standouts from the North Carolina Top 80…

6’1” 2021 Bobby Pettiford Jr
South Granville High School (Creedmoor, NC)

Pettiford is a strong framed and explosive lead guard. His rotation with his team had three-point guards on the floor at the same time, so each had to trade off getting their shine. When Pettiford had the ball, he displayed all the tools you want from a high level point guard. He finishes above the rim, he shoots the ball well from range and he gets into the paint with good vision. Pettiford is tracking at a high level.


6’1” 2021 Carter Whitt
Leesville Road High School (Raleigh, NC)

Whitt plays the game with so much poise. He is playing chess while everyone else on the court is playing checkers. Whitt has incredible court vision and feel. He shot the ball with range and he actually finished above the rim on multiple occasions. Whitt already carries Division 1 offers and many more are sure to come as he is sure to be ranked among the nation’s Top 50 prospects. Big time prospect.


6’ 2021 KJ Garrett
Caldwell Academy (Greensboro, NC)

Garrett plays the game well beyond his years. He plays with incredible confidence and at his own pace. His already quick burst is made faster by his understanding of pace and play. Garrett is a tough-minded guard who played varsity since his 8th grade year. He belongs on the floor and he plays the game with uber-confidence in his own skills. Garrett is a sure-fire Division 1 prospect and the offers should start to come in.


6’6” 2021 Noah Allred
Northwest Guilford (Greensboro, NC)

There is something endearing about Allred’s no-nonsense approach to the game. He knows his role, and plays his role to a T. Allred has deep range and a quick trigger off the catch from beyond the arc. He is a very active rebounder, on both ends of the floor. He sets great screens and is a very good outlet passer. He may never be “the man” however he will be “the man’s” favorite team mate on every team, at every level, he plays on.


6’2” 2021 Elijah Jamison
Louisburg High School (Louisburg, NC)

Perhaps no point guard touched the paint more often throughout the event than Jamison. He is an athletic, strong bodied lead guard who plays with a great pace. He is a 2-way player who is an aggressive on the ball defender as well. Jamison has good vision and he is able to finish at the rim with a nice finishing package. Very eager to watch Jamison continue to grow as a player, he has some major tools to work with here.

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