Four names that caught the eye of Phenom Hoops Analyst Jamie Shaw early on Thursday

6’7” 2018 Ben Uloko
NC Spartans East
Uloko is the ultimate paint protector. He Is a big who knows he’s a big and plays accordingly. Blessed with good hands he is a high level rebounder. Uloko, also showed consistency with a go to move over his left shoulder. A lot for D1s to like here.
6’6” 2018 Jordan Miller
D1SA Spartans Elite
The lefty has a great frame, and plays with a great pace. Never rushing anything he sees the floor at a high level, also able to pick his spots efficiently. The ultimate team guy, Miller had about 60 coaches watching for his first game.
5’10” 2021 Jaden Scott
TMP 15s
While having a lot of talent around him, Scott did a good job of directing traffic. Playing up in age, he had a good court sense, really navigating traffic and finding open players. This team is well coached and Scott is a
6’2” 2018 Dewon Lecesne
Carolina Magic
This lefty is a dog, he does all the tough guy stuff needed to win. While defending multiple positions he is at his best when getting downhill on offense. He is athletic and very crafty in the paint.