by: Ethan Reece

2025 Derek Ross (NC Wildcats)
Derek has been undeniably exceptional this week and has displayed a sharp edged point guard game in every aspect. His handle is tight and shifty breaking guys down, he’s poised in the moment, and others look to him for direction. That’s the definition of a PG. He consistently gets lane penetration to create for others, but has been unstoppable scoring the ball, making a lot of impressive moves look routine. And today he answered the call on his deep ball on his deep ball by hitting 6 threes and ending with 38 to start Session 2. There’s no doubt in my mind he should be considered one of the top guards in NC’s 2025 class.

2025 Robert Knotts (CSB Elite)
It’s a simple game for Robert, but opponents haven’t seemed to be able to find an answer for it. His shot chart is practically all green with a steady driving game finishing consistently all around the rim, and he’s able to hang in the air or absorb contact with his stronger young build. And it looks like strictly business to him, as he stays mild mannered throughout no matter how many buckets he gets, even when he got rolling with 20 points in the second half.

2025 John Michael-Jenkins (TMP)
Every high powered offense needs a dynamic lead guard at the helm, and John is that guy. While he was the leading scorer with 21, knocking down shots and getting to the cup, he also managed the game at a high level with control of pace and keen decision making. His group was fun to watch, featuring a lot of balance getting up and down with their press, but it was clear they had a guy calling the shots in John and the offense was better for it, leading to 47 first half points and 4 guys in double figures.

2025 Adam Brown (Upward Stars)
It was hard to pick just one sole standout for this group, as they displayed the well rounded team game I’d seen this week, but Adam was a clear catalyst and crucial piece to the system making winning plays. He’s a leader guys will follow and want to play with because he puts his body on the line, is unselfish and doesn’t need the ball to make a play, and is productively efficient scoring with touches no matter where he gets it on the floor. I’ll be looking for this team more because it’s just good basketball being played the right way.

2025s Chandler Little and Muja Williams (Team Hope)
Like all the quality guards on this roster, Chandler and Muja play the game the right way at a young age that is laying the foundation for noteworthy contributors going forward on varsity teams next year. They have the builds and athleticism to compete with bigger guys on the boards, they move the ball quick with a purpose and without any excessive dribbling. They’ve provided steady play as duo leaders for this team that hasn’t lost yet, and a lot of it has been due to their big time play down the stretch in games just refusing to be denied.

2026 Trey Beamer (Team United)
Trey and this whole squad made their mark last week rolling through the 14u bracket, now playing up 15u they continued to roll here with Trey at the lead. In this one, he just had one of those heat check moments where everything was falling and you gotta see a video to truly understand how crazy it was. He hit 5 threes in a row, and each one was back around the volleyball line. And while he showed an elite shooting display, you can also see the flashes with how gifted he is with the ball in his hands. The game just comes effortlessly to him.

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