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A Closer Look: Phenom Hoops’ Rankings for North Carolina’s Class of 2023

It’s that time of year again. The high school season has nearly concluded and postseason play is set to begin very soon. As exciting as it is to chase and potentially win a state championship, the subsequent six months of travel ball will be the time for prospects to really shine. Whether positive or not, college coaches simply have more time and resources to properly evaluate (and offer) kids...

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Five Prospects Trending Upward in North Carolina’s Class of 2023

Unlike the Classes of 2021 and 2022, who will undoubtedly suffer from the aftermath of Covid, the Class of 2023 could be the first group of prospects able to restore normalcy to college athletics. The recruiting attention of scholarship-level coaches has been primarily centered on pursuing players who already have collegiate experience—rather than hunting for uncovered high school gems. As the...

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William Gray Getting Noticed on a Bigger Stage

Throughout the last calendar year, William Gray has finally begun to receive some attention as one of the premier prospects within North Carolina’s Class of 2023. While most of the focus still remains on a variety of flashy, more widely discussed guards, he’s more than shown next-level ability on either side of the ball. After an extremely productive freshman season at Forsyth Country Day, Gray...

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Deserving More Attention: Prospects in North Carolina’s 2023 Class

The class of 2023 in North Carolina is going to be an exciting one and fans are already talking about much of the talent.  You already hear some of the top names from around the state, playing on a national scene day in and day out, but many don’t realize just how deep this class could be and the amount of talent.  I’m going to look at six players (and there could be several more names...

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Highlights from Triad Blue Chips East Fall League: A New Leader Shines for East Forsyth

This past weekend, Phenom Hoops took the opportunity to maximize our downtime and continue providing coverage throughout the region. While the event in Rock Hill drew a ton of attention, prospects could be found playing in numerous locations—including at the Triad Blue Chips East Fall League in Greensboro. We traveled out to Shining Light Academy and caught most of the action, and this article...

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