Given the landscape of the greater Greensboro area, few folks could’ve foreseen Ragsdale entering the final stretch of the season with this much success. The Tigers have always competed and maintained some semblance of relevance over the years, but their current squad might genuinely be their best team of the decade. Why' While they are a talented group, the chemistry and each player’s willingness to embrace their respective role is what allows them to consistently shock opponents. Should they win only three more games, it’ll be their most successful group since 2008-09. So, let’s take a closer look at their core…

Pretty much everything seems to filter through 6’2 ’22 Jah Saigo, even given their interchangeable collection of scoring options. However, he doesn’t dominate the ball, nor does he need to. Saigo does an excellent job of utilizing his strong frame to overpower opponents, but also possesses a lot of ability within his actual skillset. He’s able to create for himself or others, apply scoring pressure from all levels, and highlight some useful versatility on both ends of the floor. Saigo might be a tad undersized for his position at the next level, but it really shouldn’t matter given his blend of IQ, skill, and frame. He’s also an unselfish teammate and natural leader. Various programs should be involved. 

Their other main senior, 6’0 Andrew Siler, really understands his purpose as the catalyst and primary setup artist for this group. He’s a capable scorer who applies pressure as needed, but typically looks to touch the paint and generate open looks for others. Siler makes the correct read with consistency and absorbs contact well on penetration opportunities. He also impacts the game as a defender and rebounder—especially for his size/position. Siler’s steady presence is a major factor for this team. He should warrant looks from next-level programs. 

As for their junior duo, 6’2 Kobe Parker and 6’0 Ron Jones, there should still be plenty of excitement for next season. Although both guys are probably better when operating in an off-ball role, they should be more than capable of assuming more ball-handling duties by next season. Both players are noted for their deft shooting abilities. Parker possesses deep range and can knock down simple or highly difficult looks at a reliable clip. Meanwhile, Jones is quick and consistently hits jumpers within the flow of the action. He maximizes his touches very well. Both should be on the radar of college coaches for next season. 

Additionally, 6’4 ’22 Noah Fant provides the main interior presence for this squad. He’s somewhat undersized but still effortlessly produces through his tough, high-motor presence. Fant does most of his work inside the paint but can move and defend along the perimeter as needed. All in all, Ragsdale continues to steamroll through their extremely challenging schedule and definitely deserve more attention as a program. 

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