2025 Miles Leaks (Panthers): Leaks was tremendous to start the day, as I was incredibly impressed with how the young guard operated on the floor. He looked like a strong floor general on the floor, playing with a great pace and vision, finding his teammates and setting them up well, but also taking quality shots also. Really enjoyed watching how he was able to operate on the court. Leaks is a smart player and looking o be an early leader for this team this year.

2024 Brady Kester (Huntersville Knights): Kester is a newer name for me personally, but he immediately popped out with his activity on the floor. Kester stands at about 6’7 and is a mobile forward. He did a great job in running the floor, moving without the ball, posting up with good footwork, and using his quickness to get around defenders but also being active on the glass. He is a name to start looking at more for sure this season.

2024 Maurio Hanson (Cougars): Hanson continues to show why he will be regarded as one of the top forwards in the state. The big man continues to get better and better each time we watch him, adding more to his game. He was able to be effective and strong with his back to the basket but also very skilled in finding ways to score the ball, finishing strong or stepping out more. Hanson can really be a physical presence and I expect him to only get better and better.

2023 Nick Dorn (Cougars): What can be said about Dorn that hasn’t already been said' He has a college-ready frame already and is such a confident shooter that can really change the game. He continues to be a game-changer with his ability to stretch the court, but also is adding more in getting downhill, using his size and physicality more, and finishing around the basket. He will be one of the clear leaders for this team, there is no doubt about that.

2024 Delani Hammonds (Team Knights): Hammonds is a player that we brought to the attention of readers earlier in the week, thinking that he could really see his opportunities increase and show more of his game. He did just that to start the Fall League, showing his burst and quickness, his ability to create off the bounce, his IQ and feel with the ball in his hands, and being more of an offensive scoring threat. Watch out for Hammonds more this year.

2024 Cinjun Bridges (Mavs Elite): Bridges led the way for Mavs Elite, as he was really able to open more eyes to how he can get to his spots and be a game-changer with his outside shooting. Finishing with 7 3-pointers to start the day, Bridges showed extreme confidence in his jumper and spreading out the defense on the floor. Finished with 23 points to lead his team to a Week 1 victory.

2023 Ollie Alford (United We Stand): You could find many names on this list from United We Stand with how they played but Alford was the one that captured my eyes with how effective he was on both sides of the court. Really can get after it defensively, getting in defenders and creating havoc, but also played well in pushing in transition, finding his own shot, playing off the ball, and scoring from multiple levels.

2024 Jared Taylor (Charlotte Elite Academy): Taylor is one that should be getting on more radars. Taylor opened eyes to how explosive he can be on the court on both sides. Whether it was throwing it down with power at the rim or blocking shots, he was high-flying throughout. But he is also very skilled, showing the ability to rebound strong and push in transition. Mobile forward at 6’8 and played very well for his team.

2023 Michael Wilson (Warriors): Unfortunately, Wilson missed the summer but now he is back and looking stronger and ready to lead his team. Versatile prospect at 6’6, can exploit the mismatch with his ability to make plays from a variety of levels and plays really strong on the court. Can’t wait to see what he can do this season and remind others of his game.

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