2023 Jordan Butler (Christ Church): Butler came in as one of the top players at the event and has shown why all throughout, as he may be the most difficult matchup on the floor. At his 6’11 frame, along with his ability to operate around the paint, finish strong at the rim, or step out and be a true threat from outside, Butler has a lot to offer on the floor.  And no one was slowing his down.

2024 Mason Smith (Hough): Overall, Hough is a very interesting team with the amount of size they have at nearly every position. But 2024 6’7 Mason Smith really captured some more eyes and should be one to have on your radar. Whether it was finishing at the rim or getting to the line, or even stepping out and knocking down mid-range shots or a three, Smith really showed that he can be effective in a variety of ways and from multiple areas on the court. Also active on the boards.

2023 Etienne Strothers (Menchville): On Day 2 of the Phenom Team Camp, Strothers was one of the top players at the event, really showing his understanding and feel for the game.  Strothers is a smooth operating guard that can get around defenders and create, gets to the basket and finish, make plays for others, and is just a crafty guard.  Love his feel with the ball in his hands and how he creates, getting around corners quickly and finishing strong.

2023 Collin Tanner (Wayne Country Day): After missing him on Day 1, it was great to see Tanner back with his team on Day 2 and he continues to show that he is simply a young man that produces on the court. He just has a knack to be always around the ball, making tough plays, pushing in transition, finishing strong through defenders, and operating in a variety of ways. Love his versatility and ability to play multiple positions on both ends of the court.

2023 Anthony Clark (Menchville): Another player from the team, this duo was eye-catching every game they were in.  Strothers was strong in creating while Clark really showcased his athleticism and hustle on the floor.  Whether it was making key blocks, getting out in transition and punching it, or just making his presence felt on the floor, Clark made so many impressive plays for his team.

2023 Zion McDuffie (Butler): McDuffie is yet another prospect we have seen countless of times but he continues to produce and earn attention with his game. What you have to like about his game is the energy level he brings to the floor. Whether it is making plays on the defensive end, showing off his athleticism, displaying the ability to finish out in transition, or creating his own opportunities, McDuffie comes out each and every time and produces.

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