6’9 ’25 Trent Steinour (Carolina Heights)

Although this roster is loaded, it’s easy to see the value that Steinour brought to the table. His presence as a long, fluid, skilled post prospect allows him to reliably rebound, alter shots, and run the floor properly in transition. Steinour doesn’t require the ball or many touches to make a quality two-way impact. He understands how to produce within a role, but also clearly changed the course of this contest whenever he was in the game. 

5’10 ’26 Tyzhir Dyer (Team Charlotte)

Despite being among the younger prospects on display, there’s already so much appeal with someone like Dyer. He’s young, but very crafty and polished with the necessary IQ and creation skills to burden a heavy offensive load. Dyer can create for himself and others, and actively mixes up his scoring approach from all three levels. He showed the ability to find success with the ball or alongside another primary ball-handler. Dyer will definitely be one to keep an eye on. 

6’3 ’26 Keysaun Eleazer (1 of 1)

Though young, there’s a lot of appeal with Eleazer as the main interior cog for this 1 of 1 roster. He’s long, active, and already knows how to utilize his length to overwhelm opponents on both ends of the floor. Eleazer looks to block everything in sight, but does a solid job of contesting and swatting shot attempts without fouling. He’s a useful rebounder who runs the floor hard in transition. Elezaer is only scratching the surface and should only get better going forward. 

6’8 ’23 Aaron Hall (Charlotte Royals)

There were a lot of standout performers for this Royals squad, but Hall was arguably their most impressive guy. He’s a long, wiry, athletic forward prospect with a pretty straightforward, low-maintenance identity. Hall is able to consistently affect a game through playing hard, working for second-chance opportunities, and running the floor in transition. He’s a nice finisher, rebounder, and shot-altering presence who looks to do the dirty work on both ends of the floor.

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