Preston Fowler, a 6’8 prospect who is part of the Class of 2025, has been popping up a lot more in the news with everything going on his way.  Whether it was his recent offers, his recruitment, his play this summer, or his recent transfer to Brewster Academy, Fowler certainly has been a hot topic.  Phenom Hoops was able to catch up with him to get all the latest.

He speaks about his most recent offer from Penn State, who else has been staying strong, where he may want to visit, and his excitement about playing at Brewster Academy this upcoming season.

Phenom: How did everything go this summer for you' What were you looking to show more of and what were you able to take away'
Fowler: Everything this summer went very well. Something I was looking forward to showing was just being able to showcase my abilities to be an all-around ball player. I don’t pride myself on one category of the game, but if I did, I would say just being able to make shots, being very efficient, and how hard I play. Something I was able to take away is I was just very proud of myself and the summer I had, and it only makes me want to keep working harder to be the best player, teammate, and player I can be.

Phenom: What did you want to show more about your game and how would you best describe it'
Fowler: I wanted to show that I could take a bigger role than my past seasons, and I would say that I succeeded in that aspect tremendously. I would describe my game as versatile and athletic (on the court).

Phenom: What is your excitement about your new school and playing on the big stage'
Fowler: It is a good opportunity to play against the best in the country and develop as a player and person.

Phenom: What are your thoughts early on with the team'
Fowler: I think we have a good chance to compete and make a case for ourselves nationally.

Phenom: Recruitment has gone well. What has been the latest going on with you and programs'
Fowler: Recruitment is going pretty well, especially after Peach Jam.

Phenom: Penn State was the latest program to offer. Thoughts on them'
Fowler: I think Penn State is a great program. They have a great atmosphere, and I like the coaching staff.  It would be a great program to play for.

Phenom: What schools have been making you a strong priority in your eyes right now'
Fowler: Temple, Wake Forest, and Oklahoma State reach out to me the most out of the offers I have.

Phenom: Have any visits planned' Have you been able to make any visits in the past'
Fowler: No visits set up. I went on a visit to Fairfield last October.

Phenom: Are there any schools you would like to visit in the future if possible'
Fowler: I would like to visit Penn State, Oklahoma State, and Wake Forest.  Villanova has reached out but they have yet to offer. I would also like to visit there.

Phenom: When might you be looking to decide down the road and what are you looking for in a program in general'
Fowler: I’m not sure, but what I’m looking for is just a program to be the best ball player and person I can be, and also someone who puts me in the right position to make it to the highest level.

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