
By: Tommy Michaels This weekend at the JMAC Showcase in Fort Mill, SC there was an immense talent pool ranging from 12U to 17U. I was stationed at Nation Ford High School and took in over 15 games throughout the weekend. Here are some of the standouts, in no particular order, that made an impression on me. Let

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Teams and players make good impressions on Day 1 of the JMAC Showcase

The first day of the Phenom Hoops JMAC Showcase was nothing short of electric. High energy, high scores, and high crowd engagement added to the already competitive atmosphere. In post-game interviews, many players confirmed that this is a high caliber tournament with tough teams and great opportunities for exposure. A matchup worth noting Is the 17U showcase between the Juice All-Stars (Coach...

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<h2 class=”ltitler” style=”margin-top: 0;”><a href=”″>Phenom