HIGHLIGHTS: Ezra Ausar & Elijah Jamison Lead Liberty Heights over Bull City Prep at #CarmelTipOff!

To start the Carmel Christian Tip-Off Classic, Liberty Heights National and Bull City National came together. Bringing some intriguing talent that you will see at the next level, it really started off the event in a big way. Check out all the highlights from the...

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Carmel Tip-Off Classic Recap: Liberty Heights National vs. Bull City Prep National

Phenom Hoops kicked off the season in a big way with the Carmel Christian Tip-Off Classic, bringing in some of the premier talent and teams from around the region under one building in Charlotte. First up, we had Liberty Heights National vs. Bull City Prep National taking the court.  Both teams wanted to get out and run when they could but Bull City

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<h2 class=”ltitler” style=”margin-top: 0;”><a href=”″>Phenom