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Fork Union PG is a program with next-level prospects

The Post Grad Nationals brought several impressive teams to the forefront, giving us a chance to check out talent of all levels. One program that has had success in producing next-level talent has been Fork Union Post Grad and they brought a team loaded with talent that can be seen as a positive piece at the D1, D2, and D3 level. We break down their roster and what they can provide on the court....

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Getting to Know: 2021 6’8 Anouar Mellouk (Fork Union)

Earlier last week, we were able to tune in to Fork Union Military Academy’s game vs. Blue Ridge, which presented us a chance to watch a few old names that we have seen on multiple occasions but also a chance to learn a few new names. One player that we got a chance to watch once before early last year but should be a name to really keep an eye on is 2021 6’8 Anouar Mellouk.

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