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Evening Standouts at Day One of Phenom Challenge

6’5 ’21 Dessie Canty (Upward Stars Watson) Despite some ups and downs as a team, Canty found a way to make an impact on this contest while standing out as their most enticing long-term prospect. He’s long, wiry, skilled, and plays with a nice blend of smoothness and physicality. Canty displays a great feel for the game and can create for himself or others with relative ease.  6’3 ’21...

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Miles Magical Five: Myers Park Summer League Day Two (Part One)

We are very lucky in the state of North Carolina to have a bevy of Summer Leagues, Jamborees, and Team Camps for all of the High School talent in the month of June. The great people at Myers Park put together a one week Summer League featuring some of the 704s best. Here’s my magical five from Tuesday nights action! (Part One) 6’0 2023 Jaylen Curry: Vance High School Curry is a young guard...

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