2026 6’3 Dane Cassada (Calvary Day): Cassada continues to be a name that impresses us with his overall maturity as a freshman. Cassada is a tough, strong, high IQ guard that understands the game well, sees the floor, and can bring some versatility to the court on both sides of the floor.  He showed that he can be a knockdown shooter, as well as a playmaker with the ball in his hands.

2026 6’2 Tarris Bouie (Chambers): Bouie is a player that we got a small glimpse of, so the verdict is still out. But we have been able to see him a few times before, and we know that he is going to be a key piece for the future of this program. Bouie though is a long 6’2 prospect that can knock down shots and help on the boards.  His game should only continue to develop as he gains more confidence.

2026 5’11 Cameron Newman (Gaston Christian): Newman is one we have become quite familiar and he continues to be one of the leaders with the ball in his hands. He continued to show his ability to be that true point guard in running the show, but what was impressive is how he filled up the stat sheet on Day 2. He was able to penetrate and score, help on the boards, dish out some terrific passes to set up his teammates, and also made his presence felt by creating steals.

2026 5’9 Mike Jones (Indian Land): We have a feeling that Mike Jones is going to be a name you will be hearing a lot in the coming years.  Jones is extremely quick and shifty on the court, with his change of direction and his ability to get into the paint and out in transition. He also really showed how pesky he can be on defense, really getting into opponents on the ball.  Jones scored in a variety of ways and plays with a scrappy feel to his game.

2026 6’5 Lukas Buinevicius (VES): We got our first glimpse of the 6’5 freshman at Virginia Episcopal, and he had a very good showing in leading on Day 1.  Buinevicius led the charge with 17 points on Day 1, playing hard and tough, using his build to create opportunities and get to the line, and knowing how to finish strong. Had a good showing and opened a few eyes with his play.

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