6’0 ’21 Jack Carter (Team Denver)

Team Denver certainly has the personnel to match their overall game plan, and Carter has been a seamless addition. His well-rounded skillset allows him to run the team and operate as the primary creator or slide off-ball and find scoring opportunities. He’s a very reliable shooter with the ability to attack closeouts and properly setup others. 

6’5 ’21 Dessie Canty Jr. (Upward Stars Watson)

Few players this summer have been as consistently productive as Canty, who seems to always shine as a leader with this group. He possesses an all-around skillset with the necessary physical tools (size, length, and athleticism) to trend upward for the foreseeable future. Canty can score in a variety of different ways while actively toggling between creating for the team and operating without the ball. He should be regarded as an obvious scholarship-level talent. 

5’10 ’21 AJ Thompson (Team Synergy)

There are a ton of underrated prospects within South Carolina, and Thompson’s name should definitely be included in that group. Despite his constant production, leadership, and long list of accolades, scholarship-level coaches continue to overlook the intelligent floor general. Thompson handles the ball with poise and craftiness while showcasing an excellent balance between scoring and playmaking. He should have a ton of suitors at the next level. 

6’4 ’21 Ethan Pickett (Georgia Allstars)

Possibly one of the most under-recruited prospects in attendance, it’s truly shocking that Pickett doesn’t already have more opportunities to play at the next level. Between his size, athleticism, and well-rounded skillset, he’s should have obvious appeal for Division I coaches. He showed the ability to run a team or stand out as a scorer from the off-guard position. Pickett does a strong amount of everything, and does it all at a fairly high level. 

6’5 ’22 Logan Blair (Team Together)

There’s a growing amount of utility players in grassroots basketball, and Blair is already one of the best. He’s long, athletic, and doesn’t even need to score in order to make a lasting impact on both ends of the floor. Blair possesses great defensive prowess and versatility, which allows him to naturally cause matchup problems while wreaking havoc across multiple positions. He can secure rebounds, alter or block shots, and make plays in transition.

6’6 ’22 Nolan Hodge (NC Gaters)

While the appeal is fairly obvious, Hodge still feels like someone deserving of more attention from Division I programs. At 6-foot-6 with IQ and a smooth skillset, he should already hold at least a handful of offers. In this showing, Hodge continued to highlight the full arsenal. He creates with ease, both for himself and others, and displays a sense of unselfishness as the primary option on this team. Hodge legitimately has all the tools to be a star, so it’ll be exciting to watch numerous college coaches vie for his services. 

6’7 ’21 Earl Burgess (Team 864)

The value for productive, low-maintenance players is at an all-time high, and Burgess certainly fits that bill. He possesses a lot of skill and tools, but also consistently stands out with his subtlety and ability to do the little things. Burgess can post-up or face-up, displays touch as a shooter and around the basket, consistently rebounds, and does a great job of patrolling the paint defensively. His steady presence is a massive part of what makes this team so dangerous. 

6’8 ’21 Saiquone Harris (Juice All-Stars)

Though it should be somewhat obvious, Harris continues to shine as the clear leader and primary decision-maker of this team. He’s long, skilled, and athletic with the ability to score from anywhere on the floor. Harris creates for himself and others, and shows a willingness to get others involved whenever possible. He plays with toughness and a chip on his shoulder, showing no fear of any opponent and wanting to dominate his assignment in every possible way. Should already hold a slew of Division I offers, but should see an uptick in recruitment sooner than later. 

6’3 ’21 Bailey Wiseman (Upward Stars Columbia)

The Upward Stars Columbia roster has an abundance next-level prospects, but Wiseman is arguably the most enticing. Between his IQ, craftiness, and creation skills, the appeal is clear. Wiseman is a high-level shooter, both off the catch and dribble, and frequently sets up others for easy scoring opportunities. He’s a lethal scorer but genuinely looks to make the best available decision at all times. Wiseman will be a steal for a variety of programs. 

5’8 ’21 Lamont McNeill (Carolina Rising Stars)

Though somewhat undersized, everyone should be familiar with McNeill and his nonstop scoring prowess by now. He’s smart, quick, and simply electric with the ball in his hands, which allows him to reliably create something out of little to nothing. McNeill is a quality scorer from all three levels but stands out as legitimately automatic when accessing his midrange pull-up. He’s great in the open floor and makes proper decisions when surveying the floor. 

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