POB’s Eye Catchers from Summer Finale Day 1 (Part 1)

2025 Jayden Ross (Elite 1): It was fun to watch Ross operate early on Day 1. He continues to show his development as a player, while showing his ability to not only knock down shots but also be a playmaker on the floor. Really like his feel and pace that he plays with, picking his spots and displaying a soft touch on his shot. 2028 Eddie Cota (Carolina Heights): The son of Ed Cota, you can see...

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POB’s Eye Catchers from Phenom Summer Finale (Day 1, Part 3)

2022 Jordan Crawford (DCT Elite): Crawford continues to play at a high level and we think it is only a matter of time until college coaches start coming more his way. His ability to score on multiple levels is impressive, knocking down threes with consistency but also creating off the dribble, penetrating the lanes, and getting to the rim. H really can fill it up quickly and did so on Day 1....

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<h2 class=”ltitler” style=”margin-top: 0;”><a href=”″>Phenom