by Colby Lewis | Dec 5, 2020 | Battle at the Rock, Featured, News
Game 1 Combine Academy 76 Blythewood 45 Robert Dillingham 6’2 2023 (Combine Academy) Every single time Dillingham steps on the floor, he is nothing short of electric. The quick,...
by Patrick O'Brien | Dec 4, 2020 | Battle at the Rock, Featured, Game Reports, News
A monster matchup to end the night on Day 2 in Rock Hill, as Sunrise Christian traveled to take on Lake Norman Christian. Both teams brought high-major talent to the floor and the fans were rolling in to see a show. Sunrise made the first punch, led by the play of...
by Admin | Dec 12, 2018 | Event Coverage, Featured, News
Finally… I can check it off the list that I attended the annual ‘DC National Hoopfest.’ I’ve heard SO much about this event for the last several years but never had the opportunity to go and watch due to my own college basketball career. This past...