Registration Directions
Click ‘Team Registration’ button to begin registration for Phenom Opening Session 2
New User
- Click the red ‘Create Account’ button at the bottom. Complete the form to create an organization account.
Creating an account will allow you to register for multiple events, without having to fill out multiple registration forms. - Complete the form. Once complete, click Save Team
- After saving, if you need to create more than one team click Add Team in the top, right-hand corner.
- To register your team(s) for an event, click Register for Events(s)
- Find the event and click Register
- Select your Team(s) and Payment Method
Existing User
- If you are an existing user and have already created an organization account with recruitify, enter your username and password to login.
- Once you are logged in, select the team(s) you are registering. If you need to add a new team click My Teams and then Add Team in the top, right-hand corner
- Click Register for Event(s) and find the event and click Register
Recruitify is our partner for team and individual registration. To better serve you, please contact them directly at (984) 444-9187 for any questions or problems with registration.

$295.00 per Team
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Showcase Format – 3 Game Guarantee
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Multi-Team Discount of $25