There’s an old saying, “Go where you are wanted and where you are wanted.” 5’11 senior guard, Kody Shubert pulled the trigger and committed to Presbyterian and first year head coach Dustin Kerns. For Presbyterian College, this is a major recruiting coup. First of all, Kody Shubert has constantly got it done on the basketball court and in the classroom. He played on Team Charlotte, which has won the Under Armour Championship and led Lincoln Charter to the NCHSAA 1A state championship. Shubert has been successful at every level.
Unfortunately for many, he didn’t pass the “look test.” Standing vertically at 5’11, Shubert played much bigger than his listed height. He is blessed with tremendous leaping ability and plays with swagger and flair. He will definitely be a fun player to watch at Presbyterian. We have always been impressed with his excellent court vision, advanced ball handling and passing skills. In addition, Shubert could score from all three levels and was often on the receiving end of ally oop passes for dunks. He has always been a consistent perimeter shooter and shot 3-pointers at a high percentage. In a previous article on Kody Shubert, we stated the following. “He brings tremendous flair and quickly becomes a fan favorite no matter the venue. Shubert plays an exciting brand of basketball and makes the difficult pass look easy. While he can score at all levels and create his own shot off the dribble, he is best in distributing the ball to his teammates. He makes his teammates better and his competitive spirit quickly becomes contagious on whatever team he plays on.”
In addition to his splendid accomplishes on the basketball court, Shubert sports an impressive 4.5 GPA and belongs to the Honors Society and the Beta Club. He will become a valuable part of Presbyterian’s future success.